
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Professional Learning day in Cobb County

Today all Cobb teachers are attending workshops on digital tools and training to get exposure to more educational tools for our classrooms. The focus of one workshop was using Adobe Spark & Post in the classroom. Teachers created quick Spark Posts to get a feel for the app. Here is a look at a Padlet wall created to curate their messages. Great Job everyone! I hope you will go to Adobe Education Exchange and explore the course 'Digital Storytelling with Your Class". Its all about publishing to authentic audiences so our students can engage with our Communities of Learning and Peer to Peer communications. One Team! Professional Learning Spark & Padlet.

Professional Learning with Spark & Padlet

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Student Work Spring 2020

My graphic design students created some beautiful work this semester despite the difficult circumstances of quarantine. I'm so proud of their efforts and look forward to seeing their future creations. These samples represent student work from all 3 levels of the pathway!
Career Poster - Olivia Annacchino

Thematic Color Wheel - Adrian Baez

Thematic Color Wheel - Makayla Davis

Career Poster -  Jackson Dembrosky

Thematic Color Wheel - Quoyus George

Cool Ad - Kayla Hendrix

T-Shirt Design - Marissa Jones

T-Shirt Design - Ernesto Leos

T-Shirt Design - Maranda Rhoades

Thematic Color Wheel - James Rowan

Magazine Cover Design - Freya Shah

Cool Ad - Kevin Trujillo

Thematic Color Wheel - Sasha Worthem
Isabella Boddie Process portfolio
Program - Ernestos Leos

Program - Jack Johnson

Program - Katie Garcia
2020 Prom Ticket Design - David Cruz

Motivational Poster

As we get into a groove of learning online, students are continuing their graphic design education. The Graphic Design & Production students have been asked to create a Motivational Poster to inspire others during this difficult time. They will consider that there are always “tough times”, both on a national scale and a personal scale... during these times, people need to be reminded that there is also a lot of “good” in the world. They will study the history of the famous Keep Calm & Carry On message and learn how it influenced the emotions of the time. This project will challenge students to utilize their new design knowledge and demonstrate the power of influence through digital content. After the project is completed, I will post a link for all to see the interpretations created from this challenge.

The introduction to Design students will be learning how to use Typography as a design element of communication. They are building their knowledge of how to use all the fundamental tools to create professional advertisements, logos, and posters, to name a few. As they learn more about Adobe Illustrator, they will gain more and more confidence in their work. Adobe has given every student free use of the software while we are away. Thank you Adobe! Students also have access to Lynda training tutorials to improve their understanding of the adobe software. Both are FREE to use!
The Advanced Design students are studying digital photography this week. Beyond fundamentals of DSL camera's, they will learn the composition rules and visual storytelling. Since we don't have access to our DSL camera's, they will focus on tips for using the camera on their phones. They have come a long way in detail captured and color definition. I am excited to see the students share their work to their instagram accounts. They are also beginning a 12 page booklet design focused on any subject they choose. They will take photos for their booklets to experiment with all they've learned about taking great photos!

As we fulfill student needs for connectivity, more and more are coming online. I'm proud of how quickly Cobb County administrators have provided laptops to those who need it. Our counselors are also available to any Campbell student who is struggling with challenges at home. Their emails are on the Campbell website. You can also contact Lara Fain, cell 770-656-5004 for additional support.

Here at Campbell, we're doing everything possible to meet the challenges of this time. Parents, please encourage your child to keep a daily routine of going into Google Classroom and working through their assignments. Keep the Learning Going!!!

Reflections on this Semester

Made with Padlet

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Online Learning

Remote Learning Week 1

This week we kick off the Graphic Design Blog and online learning under difficult circumstances. The COVID-19 virus has required all of us to learn remotely for a period of time. Campbell's number one concern is the health and safety of all our students. We are working to move all classes online so that students can continue their education and minimize the disruption to our students progress in high school. The good news is our graphic design students at Campbell are already comfortable with Google Classroom and cloud-based content so it should be an easy transition. The only difference is that we are not face-to-face. Students have online resources like Lynda & YouTube for software questions, and I am available online daily from 10:30-12:30. Parents and guardians can easily see what students have been learning this semester, view all the assignments, see grades and if there are missing assignments past due. I will be updating Classroom and interacting with my classes daily on the Google Classroom platform. Soon Adobe will extend the student licenses so they can access the Creative Cloud software needed for this course. Students will continue learning how to create beautifully designed content.

I have also posted several resources for families who currently do not have online access. Take a look in Classroom with your student to see if one of the resources would be a good fit for your family. The corporate community has really jumped in to help ease the disruption of our student learning and I commend them! Please, parents, reach out to me at if you need to discuss alternative methods of assignment delivery.

I will post any pertinent news and updates to this blog regularly. Students are expected to spend 30 minutes a day in each class (or more if they choose to). Please see Google Classroom for specific course instructions, assignments, and deadlines.

Stay Healthy and Safe!

Ms. Di Natale
Campbell CTAE | Graphic Design Pathway